Comments on the Seven Prophesies

Pacal's statement, "Earth is Hell", is echoed by writer Miguel Ruez , a Toltec. Then Ekart Tollee also makes the same claim, and Buddha said, "When we are mad we are in Hell".

Pacal speaks of a faster and better way to gain knowledge by perceiving it directly from the sky. The comet is alive and conscious acting out of love as an agent of change in sevice to mankind. The comet is helping us let go of the fear of death. In the Fear to Love Journey. This may refer to apothos which will nick the Earth at eight hundred thousand miles away. It may turn around and chase the Earth seven years later being caught in our gravity. Also, at 2012 the unusual gravity might alter the trajectory of comets. Identifying comets with a near Earth trajectory is a weak point in our astronomy.

The main thing is: only in facing death are we alive. This will wake us up so we can evolve into love.
The 2012 event is a 5125 year era and part of a 25625 year larger cycle of Earth and Sun precession.

The axis of the Milky Way and Earth's cosmological ecliptic, the axis along which the constellations travel will line up with our solar system They will cross in 2012 referred to as a double cross.

From my studies Pacal will return as a Dark Lord meaning he was a gon on earth and will oversee the 2012 winter solstice, uniting the Dark Lords and Sky gods for the end of the 5th era of man that is the story on the lid and the stella repeat the story not once but twice and stella at Tortuga a site close to Palanque repeats the claim on the prophecy, or seven prophecies seem to be true when considering the totality of information considering there was at least 100 inca, aztec, mayan, toltec, and mistec codices from early AD through 1700. Remember the pre columbians were taught latin by the spanish and used that knowledge to write their (mythology) story and prophecies many of which were epic add to this the pottery and you have the seven prophecies, and who better to tell it then Pacal, so it would take years of study to piece this story together. I will update you on the future study. at Tortugo where the seven prophecies are said to be in the stella.