Maya World News Special

Pacalaholic, a Maya layman research group has made a discovery. Workers, closing the tomb of Pacal, 9 years after his death, inserted under his raised sarcorcus, two stucco heads: one of Pacal the king, and one of the eleven year old boy before he became king.

This stucco head was misidentified by the experts not only once but twice. In 1967 in the book titled "Pre-Columbian Art" and later Indian Tribal arts, this young Pacal head is described as a "male stucco head". Height 11 inches, found in the crypt of the temple of inscriptions. Shortly thereafter it was claimed to be his spouse. And is known to this day to be his spouse, according to Mexicans and Americans.

Pacalaholic claims to have solid proof that it is young Pacal's face. Distorted or disfigured exactly as his adult stucco head and his lost jade face. Using a mirror to reflect the male and female aspects of young Pacal's face you can see a male dominated aspect on the right (east), and as time ends on the west, a female aspect taking over. As Pacal called the new era, the new 2012 era, The Era of Woman. This is why the stucco face has been called a male in 1967 and is known as his spouse now. We are introducing two new faces of Pacal, male and female, and reintroducing the misidentified face of young Pacal.


Most speculation about this Pacal-Jesus connection is from the Mormons, as in the book, Those Gold Plates, by Mark Petersen, 1997, will not be discussed in this forum. Neither this nor new age, Pleiadians, Pacalians, and Pelenquians will be covered. They have their sites. Our focus is in the study of the words of Pacal and artifacts of the Maya.

Pacalaholics see excluding the layman akin to having the police refuse tips and information from the public.

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